Use of Facilities
Natomas Unified School District welcomes community organizations to use our facilities for the purposes of various community activities such as sports, after school programs, neighborhood meetings, church groups, etc., when those facilities are not in use for school activities.
The use of facilities is under the management of our Executive Director of Maintenance and Operations in conjunction with the school principals. Use of school facilities without a signed/approved permit is illegal, and will disqualify the organization from any further use at all NUSD sites.
The process begins with creating an account with our Civic Permit program, and providing event details for use of facilities (site, space(s), dates and times), along with all supplemental documentation. An addendum and a current copy of certificate of insurance must be attached to each application submitted. Note: a minimum of two weeks prior to the first date of use must be completely approved before use of space. An incomplete application cannot be moved forward to site for review and approval for use of facilities. A custodian is required for all Facilities Use – indoor or outdoor and applicable fees may apply.
Groups wishing to use any Food Services facilities, including kitchens or snack bars, must have the approval of the Director of Food Services.
The district maintains very reasonable fees for the use of our facilities; we hope to nurture a wonderful working relationship with our community organizations. We look forward to working together to provide excellent facilities in which to educate our children!
Facilities Use Forms:
Rules & Regulations for Use of Facilities
Addendum-A Youth Associated Non-Profit Users
Addendum B-Non-Public-Agencies
Use of Facilities Fee Schedule
Custodial Record of Facilities Use – Internal Use Only