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School Site Council SSC

Purpose of School Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a school communities representative body, made up of school staff, parents/community members, and at the secondary level, students.

SSC evaluates and recommends the need for and monitors the progress of intervention strategies at the school. These actions are primarily recommend through the Single Plan for Student Achievement.

California Education Code 52852 requires that a school site council shall be established at each school that participates in Title I or LCFF supplemental/concentration grant funding.  The school site council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of: teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by the parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school. At ALS, the School Site Council meets monthly.

Roles for School Site Council

  • Assists in the development and approves the plan
  • Helps consolidate plans for all programs operated at school
  • Assists with identifying  school goals
  • Helps align goals with verifiable state data
  • Participates in recommendations about  how funds will be used to improve academic performance
  • Updates plan and budget throughout the school year
  • At the elementary level the council shall be constituted to ensure parity between (a) school staff members (principal, classroom teachers, and other school staff); and (b) parent/community members (EC 52852). In other words, one-half of the members must be school staff (classroom teachers shall comprise the majority of this half of the council) and the other half must be parents/community members.

SSC Agendas

SSC 04/11/2024 Agenda

SSC 12/07/2023 Agenda

SSC 11/02/2023 Agenda

SSC 10/16/2023 Agenda